How to be Happier In 3 Actionable Steps

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Do you have anyone in your life who has the perfect house the perfect spouse and the perfect job yet they still find things to complain about big and small everyday? Of course you do, we all know people like that! Well if you’re not practicing positivity and gratitude and ways to make yourself feel good every day then you could very well fall into one of those complainer type people as well. Think about it; you may not have the perfect life, but your life is definitely very good compared to other people’s lives, who are still happier day to day than you are. Let’s look at three tools that you can easily apply to your life when you’re not feeling so hot to put you in a happier mood instantly. The first tool in changing your mood to a happier mood instantly is to be grateful when you wake up in the morning. Whether you’re in bed or you’re making your tea think about things that you’re grateful for, whether it’s the fact that you have warm water to make tea, think about the person that opened the door for you yesterday and held it, think about how you’re able to sit here right now and watch a video in the comfort of your own home, your own office, your own room. These are all things to be grateful for and you can be grateful for something seemingly very small, but spending a few minutes every morning before you start your day really thinking about the things that you’re grateful for will put you in a happier state and you can really do this at any point in the day if you start to get frustrated with something, then take a minute and be grateful. I say do this in the morning because this sets the tone for the rest of your day! Number two: if something frustrates you throughout the day, like let’s say you get in the shower and you’ve run out of shampoo; what are you gonna do, or you’re in traffic for a really long time, or you didn’t get the sale that you had hoped you’d make. Next time you find yourself in one of those situations that you could look at and be upset about, or be frustrated by, take a moment and think about what you learn from that situation.

Every single thing in life you can look at in two ways. You can look at it as why did this happen to me, or what can I learn from this. So whether it’s being in traffic and you had to learn to be patient and maybe think about the things that you’d like to bring in the car with you in case you’re in traffic again like an awesome podcast to listen to or great music so you won’t feel so frustrated, or if you didn’t make the deal with that client this time what could you do even better next time so that you do make the deal. By looking at situations in your life that could frustrate you that you could complain about instead as something that you can grow from and learn from and do even better with the next time. This will change the way you feel and put you in a much better mood.

On the other side of this we all know that stress can cause heart attacks, stress can cause your hair to grey early, wrinkles, it can hurt your body, It can do a number of things to
you that are not good so being able to control your responses to things that happen that may be seemingly frustrating and choose the more mindful option of looking at frustrating things as a lesson will hugely reduce your stress and lead to a happier and healthier life. And thirdly, change something about the situation whether it be your environment; let’s say you’re inside you’re feeling in a bad mood, go outside, go get some fresh air, notice the beautiful fall leaves changing colours, or the perfect weather, or let’s say you’re stuck in a car and you’re in traffic, put music on that fires you up if you want to get pumped up or calms you down, put classical music on. You’ve got to know what works for you. I know that when I get into a bit of a funk I always get my favorite tea out and I sit and I really take a good ten minutes to enjoy my tea and this changes my mood because I’m not focusing on what’s frustrating me, but rather I’m focusing on something that I love and that I enjoy! To recap the three things that you need to do to get yourself instantly in a better mood are: Be grateful! Second: See a lesson in every situation that you may otherwise be frustrated, or annoyed by and thirdly: Change your environment to change your state of mind.

Leveraging these three tools is a great way to progress your life towards a happier and more successful life!

Thanks guys for watching this video and we’ll see you next time!

Alli Saunders

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